Photographs are... memories... stories... feelings... all in a captured image

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Why Photography?

Welcome everyone to this humble blog of mine.  The creation of this blog came to be because of a class assignment, whereby each individual in the class has to create a blog that relates to them. This is when I chose the topic "Photography".

Therefore the theme of my blog is photography and it relates well to me because I am always taking pictures and I love just being able to capture miscellaneous moments may it be with my mobile phone's camera or with my Canon 1000D DSLR. I do know certain technical aspects and terms due to a few mini courses I've taken in basic photography skills but I do not consider myself a professional or that I am very very good at it. Honestly, most of my favourite shots are what I call lucky shots. Happens by blindly fiddling and tweaking the settings on my camera and just snapping away.  Thus another reason why I chose this topic... I can research and improve more on my photography skills and also to share them with all your readers. I don't believe in following and keeping strictly to the techniques until creativity is lost but techniques are important in certain cases.

So, throughout this blog I will be posting up my favourite photographs that I have taken and explaining how I took them "blindly" and what technical aspects goes into that photograph. Hopefully all you readers visiting this blog will share your opinions and comments. Thank you.


  1. I like your title. Photography is indeed much fun. Cannot wait for your new post.
